

Ethan came by with his Mom and good friend Stasia to catch up and have some fun with my new lens!  Ethan's mom, Leslie, Stasia and I went to highschool together on the island and even though we all seem to have moved within 3 hours of eachother don't get to see eachother very often due to busy lives with jobs and kids.  I loved catching up and chatting...topics have certainly changed since highschool with babies and real estate topping the list these days and Ethan was super cute and wanted to touch my lens so badly!!

Thanks for stopping by, and looking beyond my messy house and that I had no tasty treats, or fresh drinks made like I would have liked to! hope these pictures will make up for it!


  1. Gina, you captured him BEAUTIFULLY! What gorgeous pictures!!! I'm so jealous I wasn't there to join in. Great job :D

  2. Aww Gina I love them!! Thanks for posting them! I can't wait to have you do our wedding, the pictures are going to be gorgeous! It was so great to see you, and I think the iced tea was a great yummy treat! Let us know if you come to Edmonton, Kelly and I would love some family shots!
