

This just might be my longest blog post ever!  I had such a hard time trying to pick only a few of Curtis to blog...I honestly could have posted all 200 pictures I took of him!!

Curtis' Mom and Dad are good friends of ours and we have been so excited to see Curtis from the moment we heard of his future arrival to the sweet chubby babe he is today!  I love watching Dana and Dustin with Curtis, they are so very much in love with him, you can't help but be in a good mood every  time you step in their front door.  Dana is one of the most relaxed first time Mom's I have ever seen...It all came so easily and naturally to her,she is one great Momma to Curtis!

I was super excited when Dana asked if I wanted to come and shoot these pictures of Curtis.  We had such a good time stuffing him in that pumpkin, by far some of my fav photos to date!!

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