

    I loved the afternoon I spent with Sam and her boys! They were so much fun! and I am still laughing at Nick for saying he normally looks like Brad Pitt but then someone takes his picture and he changes into someone else!
    Sam is so beautiful I don't think I got one bad frame of her, I can't wait to meet Brighton when she makes her arrival because she is going to be one gorgeous baby with a Mom like Sam.

    Hope you enjoy these Sam and Nick!


    2 Week old Caley and her Mom and Dad came to see me this past weekend and holy did Caley give me a run for my money! I wanted to snap her picture and she had other plans! I shot and chatted with them for about an hour and even though Caley was upset her parents were very much the opposite! I could see love raidiating her Dad's face every time he looked at her. Caley you are one lucky girl, you've got some pretty spectacular parents!



    I was so excited when Erin asked me to photograph one of her bootcamps last week, who could ask for something more fun for thier first commercial shoot!

    Erin runs FITNESS WITH KIDS bootcamps and is AMAZING! I have never had so much fun working out before, its actually not as hard to drag myself out of bed in the morning to work out with these ladies, there is always chatting and laughter and of course we get a great work out as well and bonus, you can bring your kids! Erin has some great babysitters on hand to watch the kids who are always in your sight as well!

    I didn't want to blog too much without the permission of the ladies who worked thier butts off this morning, but thought these were some great shots of the work out and of course, one of the babysitters!!

    You can check out Erin's latest bootcamps at www.fitnesswithkids.ca


    I had so much fun photographing these guys last weekend! They were a bundle of energy and loved the location I picked out for them, Xavier was here there and everywhere checking things out all afternoon!

    I had so much fun with you guys and look forward to your future family session!!



    Beautiful, Beautiful Stella.

    Stella's dad, Terrence, was just offered an unbelievable opportunity in his career and will be moving to a new office, he asked me if I would take some pictures of his little girl for him to display. Of course I was more than happy to do this for him one because Stella is gorgeous and two because Terrence has done so much for me, with Brock working out of town ALL THE TIME Terrence has always been around to help me with everything from babysitting to digging out dead birds embedded in the front of my car! and even more importantly because his wife has been another one of my biggest supporters along the way, they have no idea just how much we appreciate them!

    The Boland's are much loved by us and I am happy to snap pictures of their perfect family any chance I get!



    With Ella at Nannie and Papa's someones gotta help so Oliver helped me test out some new props the other day.....


    Oliver and I took a trip to EMPRESS Alberta to visit Brock this past week....we had no idea what we were in for! With a population of maybe 25, 20 of who Oliver and I probably met while exploring the town, Rattle snakes everywhere, and about 15 rig workers in trailers set in the middle of nowhere.... We did do some exploring, we laughed a lot at the gas station containing one pump only and if you can imagine 15 rigged up trucks waiting in line for gas heading home for days off I am sure you would laugh as much as we did...Oliver tempted fate with rattle snakes and ran into the grass for a quick shot which I took as quickly as possible ran in grabed him and ran back out! We were dissapointed to see that church was not open for mass the whole time we were there, Oliver got so upset he threw a rock at it and just missed the window. We drove 40 min to the closest grocery store where Oliver made friends with the old lady working there who thought he was the cutest thing she had ever encountered.....three days of this and all we have to say is "wow, that was an experience!"

    We were so happy to see Brock for a few days though...we miss him and wish he would come home soon!

    One more of Katie and her boys....

    I had to post this one!


    Katie is beautiful, Jordan is handsome, and Aiden is one of the cutest boys out there! I had such a good time photographing them...they were up for anything and didn't even look at me funny when I told them what I had in mind for them!
    Aiden was full of giggles and cheese's and I can't believe how many great shots I got of him!

    I hope you enjoy these Katie! I will photograph you and your boys anytime!


    The Hefler's AGAIN....

    I couldn't resist a couple more!


    I was beyond excited when Shelley asked me to shoot her family pictures....and when we got there I was beyond nervous to shoot her family pictures!
    Shelley and Kris have the cutest kids ever and rock as parents! They are so fun and easy going that I couldn't have asked for better people to do my first "real" session with.

    I love all four of you! and hope you love your pictures!



    Cohen is one of the cutest little guys ever! These photos are also from Owen's birthday party but I couldn't put my camera down when Cohen was around, I just had to take his picture and couldn't stop I ended up with sooo many pictures of him. I was so excited when his Mom, who is one of the most beautiful people ever!, asked me to do some family photos for them, I can't wait to take this guys picture again and get some of his beautiful sister, Tyla too!

    Because he is so darn cute I thought he just had to have a post all to himself!

    A few more from Owen's party......