

    So one of the things Becker stressed was that you should always have a picture of yourself for the people who are hiring you to see....I wasn't a huge fan of this idea, mostly because I am not a fan of pictures of myself, but thought I would go ahead and look through some past photos and see if I could find a decent one when I came across this, taken by Oliver at age 2.

    Back towards the end of the summer, might of even been September because Ella wasn't around, I was playing with my camera and Oliver said "me too Momma" so I gave him the camera, which was too heavy for his tiny hands to hold up with the Nikkor 24-70 on it so he held the camera and I held the end of the lens while he pushed the shutter, and got the biggest smile on his face....I eventually just layed the camera on the floor and he layed behind it telling me what to do...he would say "chessey smile Momma, move her on your tummy" it was so much fun and he took a ton pictures of me.

    I am still not a fan of myself in photos..but I like how I got these!


    1. I love both of these photos! Gina you look beautiful!

    2. your hair is so long now! They are great shots :)
