

    Today Leslie will marry Kelly and they will start a new life together....today I will photograph Leslie marrying Kelly and take a right turn on my  path through photography.

    I spent most of last night on the internet looking at all my favourite  wedding photographers, looking for inspiration.  I love to read Jasmine Star's FAQ section, she always says she is an open book and she really is! I found a long ago posts about the day she quit photography, how she booked her first wedding with a Cannon 20D and one lens, a 24-70 and I felt a small sense of comfort knowing that I have three lenses going into this wedding ;) But really I thought, one day a few years from now I am going to look back on today and remember and think about just how far I've come and giggle about how nervous this has made me.  I shut the computer around 7 to discuss outfit choices with my very fashionable Sister-in-law, had some pizza, unwound with my kids and double checked my bag and notes and of course changed my facebook status, where I found much needed encouragement from friends and a fellow photographer!

    Today isn't only the biggest day in Leslie and Kelly's lives, it ranks pretty high up there on my list of biggest days along side my own wedding day, and the birthing two children!

    Now as I prepare to shower and get ready I pray for the foggy skies to take a hike and for the sun to stay out until 6pm tonight...neither of these will happen but positive thinking gets you everywhere negative thinking doesn't.  Good Luck to you Les and Kelly and thank you for forcing me to challenge myself and grow.

    Because this wedding is on the island, and I unexpectedly got a new MacBook for christmas and had to order CS4 in the Mac version that will hopefully be in the mail when I get home, I wont be able to blog any photos of the wedding until I get back home to Calgary and get some edits done...unless by some miracle I get some amazing out of the camera shots, but stay tuned they will come soon!

    but because a post is nothing without a picture or two here is a taste of my christmas joy!!!

    my new Shootsac!!!! and MacBook!


    1. Lucky you!

      I am sure today went off without a hitch. Cant wait to see what you did :)


    2. oooooooh a mac and a shootsac - NICELY DONE!
