

    Santa Claus made his way to Calgary last week! Making his first apperance at the Unit 62 children's Christmas Party!
    I was excited to photograph this event, seeing kids eye up Santa and slowly climb on his lap, their awkward smile, always keeping one eye on the location of Mom and Dad just incase, really takes me back to my childhood and the days when Santa Magic was the only really important thing in life!  I come from a teeny tiny little town on Vancouver Island where you kind of get the feeling you might be in an episode of Cheer's...everybody knows you name (and they call your Mom and Dad when they see you up to no good!) A good family friend, Dave Stevens, used to dress up as Santa every year when I was a kid and he would come to the town hall where we would all climb up on his lap to tell him our very special wishes and get our candy cane and Christmas orange from his Elf, I have known Dave all my life, as with my cousins, friends, and even his own kids but I can see the old faded photos in my Mom's album of Christmases past, all of us bundled up in our winter coats red faced and screaming or awkwardly smiling with one eye on Santa and the other on our parents.  Dave and Kathy lived then and still do now across the street from my Nana and Papa, every Christmas eve after mass we would head over to Nana and Papa's for a drink and snacks, once Papa had come to his fill of 4 very excited grandsons and one very perfect and precious grandaughter ;) Dave would go out to the yard and ring his sleigh bells and 5 kids would be in coats, boots and hats in under 5 min. ready to head home to bed so Santa wouldn't pass by their house!  Thanks for making my Christmases so magical Dave!
    This year I watched as one Grampa made some Christmas magic for  Rockeyview Labor and Delivery Nurses children and I giggled when his grandson was sat on his lap and screamed more than any of the other kids!  It was a wonderful party and I was so glad to be there to see it!
    Because I love Vintage Christmas I decided to give these photos a vintage feel, so without any further ramblings of my past here are a few of the very sweet kids from the party with Santa.


    1. Gina, These pictures are perfect! Job well done once again :) S.

    2. These are the FUNNIEST THING EVER!!!! I Howled when I first saw them and now that I can comment I am HOWLING even louder!!!! these should be marketed at christmas cards!!!!!
