

    I photographed the Hassman's this afternoon..we really wanted to take this shoot outside and had actually rebooked it for this weekend in hopes that we would be out of the deep freeze of last weekend, apparently I have ticked off Mother Nature because she is keeping all the good weather for the days I am not booked and brining out her worst for the days that I am!!
    I had sooo many good ideas for this shoot for outside, I was briming with inspiration and creativness, but alas it had to be moved indoors due to the -28 temp. today!
    Everett and Max were super cute and  for the most part happy to have me there...we did struggle to get some great family pics, but Holly stayed relaxed and kept laughing saying "these are real family photos".  When I left I laughed and said "yup these are the real deal!!" but once I got home to download and backup I was overjoyed to find some awesome images!!!  I am so excited to post these for Holly to see!!

    I hope you will love them Holly, I really do!

    And finally my two most loved of the session....they really don't get more real than this! I LOVE that Holly is holding Everett's bottle in the first one!


    1. great work! love the little guys name! I love the last one by the window. it doesnt even look real!

    2. LOL I was thining of you the whole time I was there, I have never met another Everett other than yours!
      Thanks...I love how the window looks frosty!!
