

Yes, Ella is dominating the blog these past couple weeks, and yes, I realize not everyone who reads my blog is as enamored with Ella as I am, however, I sometimes still think the only other person actually reading my blog is my Mom and I know she is just as enamored as I am, therefore, I continue to post her.  Beyond thinking about how I am more in love with my kids then I ever thought one could be, I think often about how we don't live anywhere near the other people we love and its sometimes hard to make sure everyone gets the Thank You phone call they all very much deserve and we are truly sorry for that, if you are new to our lives, you should know we are only what I like to call "surface organized" this meaning we come across as though we've got our act together but in reality I am continually rushing through the days trying to get it all in and taking valuable time out of each day making to do lists which end up frustrating me and taking up an hour of wich I could have been phoning to thank people but by then I have to get to the school an hour early because if I don't I will a. not get a parking spot and b. not have time to run Oliver as hard as possible at the playground which will in turn have him coming down the stairs 25 times because he isn't tired and then the dishes don't get done and said phone calls often get put off until Tuesday night when we will be home and everyone will hopefully be tired, but then I forget Ella has piano and violin Tuesday so on Wednesday I write them on my to do list for Thursday but then I forget we have musical theater Thursdays  which wasn't on my to do list because I have too much trouble organizing a proper to do list so it goes to Sunday but then I forget  surprise surprise we are never organized Sunday nights and I am rushing to bath kids and wash a favorite shirt for Monday morning so it gets pushed to Tuesday again but then I forget Brock gets home Tuesday night and we have to pick him up at the airport AND Ella has piano and violin then it gets forgotten because when Brock comes home we shut down, we only talk to him, we only acknowledge his existance in the world like we are the only 4 people living in it, friends don't get called, family dosen't get called, we just enjoy having him home, so by this time weeks have gone by and it would be utterly rude to make such a call, so that said we would like to formally THANK everyone who sent Ella money for her birthday! She saved it all  up and bought yet another insturment to add to her growing collection and is asking to once again drain our bank account and my gas tank and try and force me to get organized with a third music lesson!

Enjoy these photos of her with her new love....and to all our family memebers who are waiting for photos of our kids they are coming ASAP just keep in mind ASAP to me might not have the same meaning it does to you, but they are on my to do list ;)


  1. I read your blog! And I love it! This was the best, most accurate description of the life of a mom that I could possibly imagine. That's EXACTLY how I feel every dang day! You are amazing, Gina, and I absolutely adore you. Ella is gorgeous, and you couldn't ask for a better model. I will NEVER get tired of seeing pictures of her. LOVE the guitar, she looks absolutely enthralled. Keep it up, all of it... snapping pics, blogging, and being the best mom ever. Mean it!

  2. Gina I read your blog all the time, actually the only complaint is that there isn't MORE!!!! Not only are you most talented behind the lens but your writing is just as great. Keep up the great work, GREAT WORK GINA.

    Cheers, Lauren xoxox

  3. I read your blog every time you post! ;)

    Keep it up, xoxo

  4. I LOVE to read your blogg! Like the previous posters have said, it is so honest about what a mom's life is really like. Makes me feel so much less alone. For a stay at home mom, that is a really wonderful thing! I agree your writing is so fantastic and the photography is equally wonderful! The thing that amazes me is how you manage to appear as though it comes effortlessly!! Wow!! You amaze me!

  5. lol, yes I agree with all of the above. Funny, enjoyable reads on your blog with beautiful pics to enjoy as well!

  6. Thanks for the comments...these were read on a really crappy day so it was nice to read them!...and know people are reading my blog ;)
