

    I went out to Okotoks this afternoon to meet up with the Barry's.  I love it when I am photographing people that know EXACTLY what they are looking for, it makes everything so easy on me! and Christie knew exactly what she wanted. The first time I talked to Christie about family photos she wanted snow, normally in Calgary this would have been an easy request two days before December first! We are usually up to our waist in snow at this time of year, but it didn't look like that was going to happen for her this year, however, we ended up having such a perfect dusting of snow on the ground for these shots! The only problems with getting exactly what she was looking for were a strong willed soon to be two year old who kept yelling "no!" everytime I came close to him with my camera! Good thing he's so darn cute, and it being a bit chilly and windier then we had thought!  I can't say we ended up getting exactly what we hoped for with these shots but I took a couple hundred and think I came out with a handful of really great ones, which in the end is all that matters!

    I had a blast chatting up a storm with you guys this afternoon and taking a couple pictures in between!

    This first shot was the very first shot of the day...it was a test shot to check settings!

    This last shot was not an easy one to get...Jevyn was well past done having me over, but I think it turned out not too badly....I should post one of the ones before to show the trouble his parents were having trying to get him to sit still...but I am sure anyone who has had photos taken with kids this age can picture in their minds what it must have looked like!


    1. Great pics! I love the christmas tree. Is it yours? I love the giant ornaments!

    2. Thanks! No the tree is theirs, you should see it in person it is so beautiful!! and its HUGE!
