
    In keeping with my commitment to one blog post per week...here is what I have for this week...not a whole heck of a lot! Ella was sick this week, Oliver is now in a big boy bed and has been getting up for the day between 4-5AM! and has decided that he no longer needs to nap either...Momma is tired...Oliver seems to be going strong!

    I did spend a fair amount of time in the house this week and have been trying to better my relationship with my Nikkor 24-70.....this lens seems to not like me very much..we're working on that.

    I love that once halloween is over Starbucks comes out with their Christmas Cups! Who doesn't love a Venti Tea Measto in a christmas cup!!!  This is going to be our first christmas in Calgary..I really never thought the day would come that we didn't venture home to BC but it has and we are looking forward to it! We are keeping the decor simple with a vintage flare! I love the little birds Ella and I found, and our Advent calendar we made..we kept it really simple but I think its kind of elegant looking, I got a vintage santa stamp that we might stamp on a few of the envelopes but for now I love the simplness of it.  I also love Style at Home and was elated when it came in the mail this week!! I wish I had the house on the cover.....one day!

    Now running out to a hockey fundraiser where i have donated a session for the silent auction and off tomorrow to see the [b]ecker!!!!!! Super excited...this is supposed to be one of the best seminars for photographers...I seen last week Fresh Sugar was giving away a ticket so if she thinks its good it must be!!

    1 comment:

    1. oooh you did get the 24-70! I loved renting that lens! Have fun at the seminar.... wish I could have gone. Don't you just love Fresh Sugar?
