

    For the past two and half years all Brock and I hear from people is "oh my gosh, he's soooo serious"
    When Oliver was born he was five tiny pounds of serious! I thought he possibly didn't like me too much he NEVER smiled, we didn't even really get those baby gassy smiles from him.  At four months old we noticed that he didn't react to ANY sounds, we could stand behind him and scream as loud as possible and he didn't flinch, we set the smoke alarms off and he didn't flinch, my heart litterally stopped the day the Dr slamed the door of the office and he just layed there, she looked at me and said "we are going to have to have his hearing tested"  Two weeks later we were told "your son hears perfectly fine" and from that day on I have known Oliver takes life with a grain of salt, nothing shakes him up, he is a serious boy!!
    Now when people say "oh my gosh, he's so serious" I just smile.  Oliver likes to smile on the sly....he gives big chessy grins when you are giving up and putting the camera away..sometimes I get lucky and catch one.

    I took these pictures this morning when the sun was coming up and the snow was bright, I love them because they are Oliver, some people might look at them and wonder why I would love a picture that seems as though my son is giving me dirty looks, but he's not......and I caught a big cheesy grin when he thought I was done!!

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